eqSounds | Splice | 976 MB
IOF推出了期待已久的Traktrain Store上最畅销的 “2Late4Me “吉他循环套件的续集!它包含170个现场录制的吉他音频文件,有52个目录,其中有几个循环可以一起使用!它包含170个现场录制的吉他音频文件,有52个目录,这些目录有几个循环,可以在彼此之上一起使用。此外,作者还包括每个文件夹的所有样本的混合预览。
当然,这些循环会在任何Emo Rap、New School或Trap节拍中很容易找到方法。这些循环的声音的一些灵感包括Smrtdeath、Ghostmane和Lil Peep记录。因此,这个套件是任何制作人资料库的完美补充,为制作类似于Smokeasac和Fish Narc等制作人的高质量节奏提供了强有力的蓝图。
IOF presents the long-awaited sequel to the best-selling “2Late4Me” Guitar Loop Kit on the Traktrain Store! It contains 170 audio files of live-recorded guitar, with 52 directories that have several loops which can be used together on top of each other. Additionally, the author included a mixed preview of all of the samples for each folder.
Certainly, those loops will find a way in any Emo Rap, New School or Trap beat very easily. Some of the inspiration for the sound of the loops include Smrtdeath, Ghostmane, and Lil Peep records. So this kit is the perfect addition to any producers library, providing a strong blueprint for producing top quality beats similar to producers such as Smokeasac and Fish Narc.
· 172 Samples