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A Rough Guide to St. Lucia Vol. 1

A Rough Guide to St. Lucia Vol. 1

eqSounds | Splice | 718 MB


St. Lucia是由歌手兼词曲创作人Jean-Philip Grobler打造的项目,他以布鲁克林为基地,创作出闪耀的、受80年代影响的合成器流行音乐。在2013年的专辑《When the Night》中,Grobler融合了自己年少时的灵感,并加入了更现代的热带流行音乐元素。随着2018年专辑《Hyperion》的发布,St. Lucia的音乐变得更加振奋人心和具有宣传性,其中融入了福音合唱团和90年代流行音乐等各种元素。

这个采样包中的所有声音都是由Grobler亲自录制或采样的,要么是为一些未被收录在St. Lucia专辑中的项目而录制的,要么是为了未来的创作而进行的录音。他说:“我决定制作808、CR78和Oberheim DX的采样,因为我从未见过以96k采样率制作的那些机器的采样,而我通常在这个采样率上工作,我与工作室共用的人拥有这些鼓机,所以这也是我为了在旅行时归档这些东西的好方法。”

将这个采样包视为St. Lucia的个人灵感和创作起点库,供您在下一首80年代风格的电子、合成浪潮或流行音乐中使用。


The project of singer-songwriter Jean-Philip Grobler, Brooklyn’s St. Lucia makes shimmery, ’80s-influenced, synth-driven pop. With 2013’s When the Night, Grobler channeled the inspirations of his youth with more contemporary influences that included tropical pop. St. Lucia’s music only grew more uplifting and anthemic with releases such as 2018’s Hyperion, which incorporated elements as far-flung as gospel choirs and ’90s pop.

All sounds in this pack were recorded or sampled by Grobler personally and either recorded in a session for something that never ended up on a St. Lucia record or for future writing. He said, “I decided to make 808, CR78, and Oberheim DX samples because I’ve never seen samples of those machines at 96k which is what I tend to work at, and the guy I share a studio with owns those drum machines so it was also a good way for me to catalog those things for when I’m traveling.”

Consider this pack St. Lucia’s personal inspiration and song-starter library open for you to use in your next ’80s-inspired electro, synth-wave, or pop banger.




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