eqSounds | Splice | 200 MB
Afrolab 携手 Lex Sounds,自豪地呈现其第二个官方高品质音效包系列。Afrolab 是一家专门创作非洲声音和子流派的声音设计精品店。对于这个第二个系列,我们在作曲和音效设计方面投入了大量的工作,将音乐世界的现代趋势之一 LoFi 融入其中。
对于这个 Afro Lofi 音效包,我们邀请了该领域的专家 Tahirou Diouf,他更为人所知的名字是 Mxc J。Tahirou Diouf 是一位平面设计师、制作节拍人、吉他手、制作人和音效设计师。作为一名音效总监、沃洛夫语翻译和配音艺术家,他参与了国际移民组织 (IOM)、塞内加尔办事处和英国红十字会拍摄的一个关于不少年轻人移民纪录片系列。他还作为制作节拍人兼艺术总监参与了多个音乐和电影项目。他合作过的艺术家包括:Dip Doundou Guiss、Bm Jaay、One Lyrical、Hakill、Vito、Dudufaitdesvideos、Luno Maker 等等。
Afro Lofi 音效包融合了非裔节奏和忧郁的 LoFi 旋律。此音效包包含鼓循环、打击乐循环、顶部循环、旋律和特殊音效。它还包括踢、边缘、帽子和打击乐器等单次采样。这个音效包使用非洲乐器(如 Bonbolon、Balafons、Kora、Ngoni、Bolon 等)和更多西方乐器(如钢琴、电钢琴和各种合成器)进行作曲和制作,以创造独特的循环和单次采样。所有打击乐器单次采样都录制于一个被称为“神圣森林”的自然环境中。
沉浸在 Afro Lofi 的宇宙中,享受令人惊叹的旋律和鼓声的喜悦。立即将这些令人惊叹的声音添加到您的库中!
Afrolab is proud to present its second official collection of high-quality sample packs with Lex Sounds. Afrolab is a label and sound design boutique specializing in the creation of African sounds and sub-genres. For this second collection, we’ve taken care to do a huge amount of work in composition and sound design by integrating one of the modern trends in the music world: Lofi.
For this Afro Lofi pack, we called on a specialist in this field, Tahirou Diouf, better known as Mxc J. Tahirou Diouf is a graphic designer, beatmaker, guitarist, producer and sound designer. As a sound manager, Wolof translator and voice-over artist, he took part in the filming of a documentary series on irregular youth migration for the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Senegal office and the British Red Cross. He has also been involved in several music and film projects as a beatmaker and artistic director. Among the artists he has worked with are: Dip Doundou Guiss, Bm Jaay, One Lyrical, Hakill, Vito, Dudufaitdesvideos, Luno Maker and many others.
The Afro Lofi pack is a blend of Afro rhythm and melancholy Lofi melodies. This pack contains drum loops, perc loops, top loops, melodies and special sound effects. It also includes one-shots such as kicks, rims, hats and percussion. This pack was composed and crafted using African instruments such as the Bonbolon, Balafons, Kora, Ngoni, Bolon and more Western instruments such as piano, electric piano, and a variety of synthesizers to create unique loops and one shots.. All of the percussion one shots were recorded in a natural environment, commonly known as “Sacred Woods.”
Immerse yourself in the Afro Lofi universe, a delight of breathtaking melodies and drums. Add these breathtaking sounds to your library today!
· 129 Samples