eqSounds | Splice | 741 MB
未来之家最初起源于Soundcloud上的一个笑话,现在已经进入主流舞蹈音乐文化。它结合了EDM风格的共同特征,如deep house和UK garage。未来之家 “的歌曲通常以低沉的旋律为特征,带有金属的、有弹性的落点和频率调制的基音。最常见的节奏是125BPM左右,但也可以在120-130BPM左右变化。
First originating as a joke on Soundcloud, Future House has found its way into mainstream dance music culture. It combines common features of EDM styles like deep house and UK garage. Future House songs are normally characterized by a muted melody with a metallic, elastic-sounding drop and frequency-modulated basslines. The most common tempo is around 125 BPM, but it can vary around the 120-130 BPM mark.
· 1325 Samples
· 101 Presets
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