eqSounds | Splice | 126 MB
沉寂已久的 ALEPH 带着最新音源包 SYNTHETIC MATERIALS 重返 Renraku,这款包中精心雕琢的逼真音色源自他对研发和细节的执着。
ALEPH 以自然打击乐和旋律乐器为灵感,运用其标志性的声音设计手法,在每种音色中注入灵魂,不仅为制作人提供即插即用的元素,增添现有作品的光彩,更探索了超现实领域,带来一系列出人意料、异次元般的音效,供你冒险挖掘。
ALEPH makes his return to Renraku with SYNTHETIC MATERIALS, the latest research and development driven sample pack for painstakingly modeled, realistic sounds.
Starting from the perspective to model natural percussive and melodic instruments, ALEPH has forged a new direction by injecting his signature approach to sound design on each sound; creating both immediately usable elements for producers looking to add a bit of flare to their existing productions and providing a lengthy list of downright weird and otherworldly sounds to venture off into the unknown.
· 240 Samples