eqSounds | Splice | 1.45 GB
没错,这正是我想要的。 “Alloy” 系列音色包汲取了 Melodic Techno 的精华,并对其进行了强力升级。这个素材包包含了如此酷炫的元素,保证让你的音箱都面红耳赤!
“Alloy” 素材包为你提供了全方位的强大工具,让你无论在任何条件下或遇到创作瓶颈时,都能制作出完美的作品。素材包中包含了诱人的旋律、神秘的氛围、动感的节拍、创新的音效、令人眼前一亮的鼓声,以及让你尽情发挥创意的可能性。
是时候放松心情,系好安全带了。一旦你深入到这个 Melodic Techno 的绿洲,你将会长时间地沉浸其中,无法自拔。正如生活中的一切一样,请记住,不要满足于平庸。
Oh yeah, now we’re talking. ‘Alloy’ channels the very best of Melodic Techno and then turbo charges it. This collection literally contains enough attitude to make your speakers blush!
Under the hood, ‘Alloy’ comprises all the tools for pristine productions under any conditions or writers block. Seductive melodies, enigmatic atmospheres, dynamic beats, innovative FX, eye opening drum sounds, plus the ability to for creative exploration well beyond your beliefs.
Time to get comfortable and buckle up. Once you’ve delved into this Melodic Techno oasis, you’ll be MIA for quite a while. Just remember, as with everything in life, don’t settle for ordinary.
· 463 Samples