eqSounds | Splice | 588 MB
这个包主要是用滑棒吉他制作的,混合了中音萨克斯和低音单簧管。我制作这个包(和我所有包)的目标是为你创造一个密集且有轮廓的宇宙,让你栖息和探索,其中一些循环特色是裸露的乐器,其他循环则特色是它完全扭曲和转变。通常有机的声音舒适地被混响和延迟所支持,这让它们自己的历史有助于它们未来的声音。现在它们的未来掌握在你手中,你,互联网人类,我,需要睡眠的人类。使用的设备:滑棒吉他是通过 Dizengoff D4 电子管前级直接录音,然后进入 Daking Fet III 压缩器。滑棒吉他的颗粒合成是在 Tasty Chips GR-1 颗粒合成器上进行的。混响是 Neon Egg Planetarium,延迟是 Echoplex EP3。我也有时使用插件进行延迟、过滤和混响,这些通常是 Valhalla 和 FabFilter。中音萨克斯和低音单簧管是通过我的踏板板录音的(我在我的独奏演出、Sylvan Esso 和 Wye Oak 中现场使用过),声音经过 Eventide H9(用于音高移动)、Strymon Capistan(用于延迟)、EH 45000 4轨循环器、Earthquaker Hummingbird(硬颤音)、Chase Bliss Condor(用于驱动和令人兴奋的均衡变化)和 Earthquaker Avalanche Run(混响和反向延迟),按照这个顺序。- Adam Schatz(Landlady)
This pack was largely created with the lap steel guitar, with saxophone and bass clarinet mixed in for good measure. My goal with this (and all my packs) is to create a dense and contoured universe for you to inhabit and explore, where some loops feature the naked instrument and others feature it completely warped and transformed. Often the organic sounds sit comfortably supported by reverb and delays, which lets their own histories contribute to what their futures will sound like. And now their futures are in your hands, you, internet human, me, human who needs sleep.Gear used: the lap steel was recorded DI through a Dizengoff D4 tube preamp into a Daking Fet III compressor. Granular synthesis of the lap steel was on the Tasty Chips GR-1 granular synthesizer. Reverb is the Neon Egg Planetarium, delay is an Echoplex EP3. I also used plugins for delay, filtering and reverb sometimes too, and those were typically Valhalla & FabFilter. Tenor sax and bass clarinet were recorded through my pedalboard rig (that I've used live on stage in my solo shows, Sylvan Esso and Wye Oak), where the sound hits an Eventide H9 (for pitch shifting), Strymon Capistan (for delay), EH 45000 4 track looper, Earthquaker Hummingbird (hard tremolo), Chase Bliss Condor (for drive & exciting EQ shifts) and Earthquaker Avalanche Run (reverb & reverse delays), in that order. -Adam Schatz (Landlady)
· 200 Samples