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Angelic Vocals with Jarell Perry

Angelic Vocals with Jarell Perry

eqSounds | Splice | 391 MB

Jarell Perry,也就是大家所熟知的Yore,可以用单一的声乐技巧、旋律或适时的呼吸来划破噪音。他是在教堂里开始唱歌的,他的风格牢牢扎根于这些相同的顿悟性赞美诗。无论他的听众是谁,他都能用他的声音传递一种情感的真实,不知为何,他的声音毫不费力地承载着他的希望、悲伤、快乐、爱,以及两者之间的一切。

他的样本包是佩里原始声乐力量的结晶,坚定而细腻,即使在全音量下也很脆弱。我们在布鲁克林的Aura工作室用一个简单的信号链录制了他的表演。我们用Bock 47话筒通过Avedis Audio Ma5前置放大器和Tubetech CL1B。我们保留了一些循环和单曲,并使用VocalSynth对其余部分进行分层和连接。


Jarell Perry, better known as Yore, can cut through the noise with a single vocal tic, melody, or well-timed breath. He got his start singing in the church, and his style is firmly rooted in these same epiphanic hymns. No matter his audience, he’s able to transmit an emotional truth with his voice, which somehow effortlessly carries his hope, sorrow, joy, love, and everything between.

His sample pack is a crystalline capture of Perry’s raw vocal power, determined but delicate, vulnerable even at full volume. We recorded his performance at Aura Studios in Brooklyn with a simple signal chain. We ran a Bock 47 microphone through an Avedis Audio Ma5 pre-amp and Tubetech CL1B. We left some of the loops and one-shots raw, and used VocalSynth to layer and lace the rest.

These sounds will be welcome anywhere, from the chill spot to the church potluck to the chart tops.



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