eqSounds | ADSR | 231 MB
《Around You》是我们的最新项目文件模板,受到Disclosure、Hot Since 82、Mark Knight等艺人的影响。
《Around You》受到排行榜上流行的Deep House曲目的影响,保留了朗朗上口的迷人低音线的精髓。我们还为您揭示声音背后的独家秘密,并提供来自该预设包背后制作人的制作技巧。
Around You is our latest project file templates featuring influences from artists such as Disclosure, Hot Since 82, Mark Knight and more.
Around You is influenced by the trending Deep House tracks in the charts, keeping the essence of a catchy and groovy bassline. We also give you exclusive secrets behind the sounds, with production tips from the producer behind this pack.
This template is perfect for any producer looking to create or improve their chopping/sampling skills and music production skills. The template contains top quality audio loops, one-shots, MIDI, Sylenth1 and Massive presets.
From this template, one can learn how to create awesome deep basslines and ambient FXs, grooving drums, as well as several mixing & mastering and creative techniques. This template is exactly what you need if you are looking to improve your electronic music productions.
Pack Contents:
- 1 Ableton Live Template
- 1 Fl Studio Template
- 1 Logic Pro Template
· 48 Samples