eqSounds | Splice | 790 MB
安德烈斯·奥索里奥 (Andres Osorio) 和他的精英团队携以多米尼加共和国为灵感的素材包重磅回归 Splice Originals 平台。 “Bachata 情调 (Bachata Moods)” 不仅捕捉了巴恰塔音乐真挚的吉他演奏模式、强劲的贝斯线和热带风情节奏,还融入了来自 R&B、雷鬼舞曲、流行乐和 trap 等多种曲风的元素。该素材包融合了不同 BPM 速度和旋律风格的巴恰塔声音,旨在提供全新的巴恰塔音乐素材集合。
“Bachata 情调” 将经典巴恰塔与更现代的都市流派融为一体,创造出朗朗上口的旋律和更具活力的节奏。此素材包彰显了巴恰塔音乐的多样性及其融合新音乐影响同时保留浪漫、情感和舞蹈元素的演变能力。
Andres Osorio and his elite team return to Splice Originals with a pack inspired by the Dominican Republic. Bachata Moods not only captures bachata’s heartfelt guitar patterns, hard bass lines, and tropical rhythms, but it also incorporates and fusions elements from other genres like R&B, reggaeton, pop, and trap, all combined to deliver a new collection of bachata sounds with different BPM options and melodic styles. Bachata Moods merges classic bachata with more modern urban genres, resulting in catchy melodies and more energetic rhythms. This pack highlights the versatility of bachata music and its ability to evolve and adapt to new musical influences while retaining its core elements of romance, emotion, and danceability.
· 339 Samples