eqSounds | Splice | 581 MB
Bansuri 是一种起源于印度次大陆的古老侧吹竹笛。这种长笛在传统的印度音乐中已经使用了几个世纪,提供了明显的旋律和舒缓的音调。尽管设计简单,由单根竹子制成,但 Bansuri 可以产生多种色调和纹理。
这个包是由 Srishti Biyani 创建的,她也以她的艺术家名字 LASYA 而闻名,她是加利福尼亚州湾区的音乐家、作曲家和音乐制作人。她利用自己多样化的技能创作了这个在洛杉矶 Sound Factory Studio 录制的独特包。样本在多配置麦克风设置中录制,具有多个音阶的 bansuris。
通过这个精选的样本集合,您将被邀请探索 bansuri 的多变声音,并体验它如何为传统和现代流派注入新的活力,创造出超越音乐界限的独特旋律融合。
The Bansuri is an ancient side-blown bamboo flute originating from the Indian subcontinent. This flute has been used for centuries in traditional Indian music, providing a distinctly melodic and soothing tone. Despite its simplicity in design, crafted from a single piece of bamboo, a Bansuri can produce a wide range of tones and textures.
This pack is created by Srishti Biyani, also known by her artist name LASYA, who is a musician, composer, and music producer based in the Bay Area, California. She utilizes her diverse skill set to create this unique pack recorded at the Sound Factory Studio in LA. The samples are recorded in a multi-configuration microphone setting with bansuris of multiple scales.
Through this curated collection of samples, you are invited to explore the versatile sounds of the bansuri and experience how it breathes new life into traditional and modern genres, creating a unique blend of melodies that transcend musical boundaries.
· 270 Samples