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Bicycling Across America Vol. 1

Bicycling Across America Vol. 1

eqSounds | Splice | 2.08 GB


TRAKTRAIN呈现由加拿大制作人Dutch Revz创作的“Indie Rock”采样包,其中包含500个高质量的WAV采样。这个采样包是您制作独立摇滚音乐所需的一站式工具,包括吉他循环、贝斯循环、鼓循环和各种One-Shot采样,帮助您在家中打造专业级的独立摇滚节拍。这些循环灵感来自后朋克、另类摇滚、独立流行、卧室流行等各种风格,让您能够创作出不同风格和情绪的音轨。



In the summer of 2021, producer Charles Van Kirk rode his bicycle 3,900 miles across the USA from the Atlantic coast in Maine to the Pacific Ocean in Oregon. He packed a Zoom H6 in his handlebar bag and made recordings throughout the two month long journey through fourteen states.

The highlights of these recordings have been gathered for a monumental two part Splice Explores release. In each pack are hundreds of sounds that make up the diverse and beautiful soundscape of America; sounds from the side of the road: trains crossing the South Dakota prairie and thunderstorms crackling over Iowa cornfields. There are sounds from national parks: bison grunting and geysers erupting in Montana. There are sounds from inside a tent: rivers rushing and coyotes howling in the middle of the night.

In addition to natural mixes of the field recordings, this pack includes expertly crafted musical loops made with instruments that were derived from the source material. Charles used Sensory Percussion sensors to perform grooves on his drum set with these custom instruments to create otherworldly rhythms and one-of-a-kind layers. The resulting loops are full of texture and tone unique to these sample packs. Dive into this pack and explore the truly vast palette of sounds that America has to offer.




     ·     397 Samples

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