eqSounds | Splice | 427 MB
“Biopoiesis”位于现场录音和声音设计的交汇点,标志着乌拉圭制作人 Lechuga Zafiro 在 Rubicon 上的首次发行。“我进行了一次为期 9 天的现场录音之旅,穿越乌拉圭靠近大西洋的各种受保护的亚热带地区。茂密的原始森林、咸咸的海岸、荒凉的土路是我捕捉构成采样包中所有声音的地理音和生物音的场景。青蛙变成合成器,鸟类变成贝斯,木头的裂缝和水花变成鼓。怀旧的 Pad 音色、适合俱乐部的合成器、充满活力的鼓点和受南美影响的节奏,都源自翅膀的拍打、喉咙的弯曲和腿部的摩擦。”数百万年前的声音找到了新的生命——Lechuga Zafiro 生物群落中的合成种子。
所有声音均使用带有 Sennheiser MKH416 的 Sound Devices 633、手工制作的压电麦克风和 Sony PCM-D100 录制。以 96kHz 捕获和处理。
封面由 Valeria Montero 创作。
Biopoiesis lies at the intersection of field recording and sound design, marking Uruguayan producer Lechuga Zafiro’s first release on Rubicon. “I went on a 9-day field recording trip through various protected subtropical areas close to the Atlantic Ocean in Uruguay. Thick native woods, salty coasts, desolated dirt roads were the scenarios where I captured all the geophony and biophony that make up every sound present in the pack. Frogs become synths, birds become bass, wood cracks and water splashes become drums. Nostalgic pads, club-friendly synths, energic drums and South-American influenced rhythms are born out of wings flapping, throats flexing, legs scraping.” Sounds that are millions of years old find new life––seeds for synthesis in Lechuga Zafiro’s biome.
All sounds were recorded using a Sound Devices 633 with Sennheiser MKH416, hand-made piezoelectric mics and a Sony PCM-D100. Captured and processed in 96khz.
Artwork by Valeria Montero.
· 243 Samples