eqSounds | Splice | 1.86 GB
从历史上看,许多音乐都受到了鸟鸣、动物叫声和自然界自然声美学的启发。从很小的时候,Elliott Sharp 就被这些声音所吸引。他对鸟类和昆虫、工业过程和机器、短波无线电和超自然电子设备一直着迷。为了模仿自然界中的一些声音,无论是真实还是想象的环境,他开始在吉他、木管乐器和合成器上发展他的技能,并学习演奏布鲁斯、爵士和摇滚乐的技巧。
这种渴望促使 Elliott 开发了许多非正统的和扩展的技巧,这些技巧开辟了一个新的声音宇宙,可以应用于配乐、编舞作品和实验音乐。他进一步发展了这些方法,并在电子舞曲和世界各地博物馆的声学装置中加以利用。他的研究至今仍在继续,Splice 很幸运能够策划这些受动物启发的音乐文物的收藏。
Splice Explores: Biotopia 是一个想象中的声音世界,拥有神话般的和超现实的生物、奇怪的节奏、异国情调的旋律、以及召唤超现实动物叫声和景观的纹理和氛围。通过使用非正统的技术和多层 FX,Elliott 创造了一个奇怪而美丽的模仿动物和自然声音的集合,完全使用合成器和经过处理的乐器。无论您需要一个超凡脱俗的效果来为您的科幻配乐,还是正在寻找一个真正奇怪的声音来让您的曲目脱颖而出,您终于到达了 Biotopia 的声音绿洲。
So much of music throughout history has been inspired by birdsong, animal calls, and the natural sonic beauty of nature. And from an early age, Elliott Sharp became entranced by those very sounds. He had always been fascinated by birds and insects, industrial processes and machines, shortwave radio, and unearthly electronics. He began to develop his skills on guitars, woodwinds, and synthesizers, in addition to learning the craft of playing blues, jazz, and rock, in order to mimic some of the sounds in of nature; both in real and imagined environments.
This desire led Elliott to develop of a number of unorthodox and extended techniques which opened up a new sonic universe that could be applied to soundtrack, choreographic work, and experimental music. He further evolved these approaches and made use of them in electronic dance music and sound installations at museums across the world. His research continues to this day and Splice was lucky enough to curate a collection of these fauna inspired musical artifacts.
Splice Explores: Biotopia is an imagined word of sound with mythical and hyperreal creatures, strange grooves, exotic melodies, and textures and ambiences that summon surreal animal calls and landscapes. Using unorthodox techniques and layers of FX, Elliott has created a bizarre and beautiful collection of mimicked animal and nature sounds entirely using synths and processed instruments. Whether you need an otherworldly effect for your sci-fi score or are in search of a truly strange sound to make your track stand out you have finally reached the sonic oasis of Biotopia.
· 306 Samples