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Bounce Foundry by SoundSheep

Bounce Foundry by SoundSheep

eqSounds | Splice | 446 MB


Bounce Foundry:融合弹跳与摇摆的音色宝库

这款音色包融合了现代 Bounce、Trap、Hip Hop 和 House 音乐元素,采用强劲的原创鼓组、弹跳感十足的合成器音色和复古风格的循环,为您的曲目注入弹力和摇摆感。

鼓组单音和循环: 从震撼心灵的重低音鼓到清晰切割混音的锐利军鼓,“Bounce Foundry” 提供了一系列令人惊艳的鼓组单音,包括掌声、高帽、崩溃音、边鼓和打击乐器。此外,精心制作的全套和顶部鼓循环几乎会从您的扬声器中跳出来,让您的观众动起来。

音色单音和循环: 使用这些音色单音将您的旋律提升到新的高度。从丰富的氛围垫到令人回味的低音和 808,这些单音旨在为您的音乐增添深度和情感。音色旋律循环具有未来感和电子质感,将激发您的创造力,并为您的曲目注入动听的旋律和复杂的音色设计。

无论您是经验丰富的制作人还是刚刚开始您的音乐之旅,这些声音旨在激发您的灵感并提升您的创造力。我们使用磁带处理器对它们进行了处理,以提供独特的低保真氛围,同时保持强劲和饱满。我们已经处理了技术细节,以便您可以专注于最擅长的事情——制作打动人心的音乐。所以,让我们用 Sound Sheep 的 Bounce Foundry 来激发您的创造力吧!


This pack blends the modern realms of Bounce, Trap, Hip Hop, and House, using original drums that hit hard, synth shots that bounce high and old-school styled loops that’ll infuses a sense of bounce and swing into your tracks.

Drum One Shots & Loops: From thunderous kicks that resonate in your soul to crisp snares that slice through the mix, “Bounce Foundry” offers a stunning collection of drum one shots that pack a punch including Claps, Hihats, Crashes, Rims and Percussion. Plus the selection of handcrafted full and top drum loops practically leap out of your speakers and will get your audience moving.

Tonal One Shots and Loops: Elevate your melodies to new heights with these Tonal One Shots. From rich, atmospheric pads to evocative basses and 808s, these one shots are designed to add depth and emotion to your music. The Tonal Melody Loops have a futuristic, electronic quality that will ignite your creativity and infuse your tracks with catchy melodies and intricate sound design.

Whether you’re a seasoned producer or just starting your journey, these sounds are designed to inspire and elevate your creativity. There processed using tape processors, to give a unique blend of lo-fi vibes while remaining punchy and substantial. We’ve taken care of the technicalities so you can focus on what you do best – making music that moves people. So jump start your creativity with Bounce Foundry by Sound Sheep”!




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