eqSounds | Splice | 247 MB
正如我们的使用条款所述,未经布里Bridget Kelly明确的书面许可,你不得使用Bridget Kelly的姓名、图像或肖像。布里奇特-凯利独特的、充满灵魂的声音第一次被介绍给世界,她在各种音乐会和深夜谈话节目中与Jay-Z一起表演了 “Empire State of Mind”。她自己的唱片作品也同样令人印象深刻,将她强有力的歌唱风格注入到R&B和灵魂乐的曲目中。在这位受人尊敬的歌唱家的第一个样本包中,探索歌唱的短语、旋律的段落等等。
As described in our Terms of Use, you may not use Bridget Kelly’s name, image or likeness without Bridget Kelly’s express written permission. The distinctive, soul-filled voice of Bridget Kelly was first introduced to the world with her performances of “Empire State of Mind” alongside Jay-Z in various concerts and late-night talk shows. Her own discography is equally impressive, infusing her powerful vocal stylings into R&B and soul-inspired tracks. Explore sung phrases, melismatic passages, and more in the esteemed vocalist’s first sample pack.
· 377 Samples