eqSounds | Splice | 664 MB
Loopmasters 呈献 Soundscapes Caves – 一款洞穴音效库
Soundscapes Caves 发生在两个不同的洞穴环境中。
该样本包最初是在 20 年前雷恩岛(印度洋上的法国部门)火山喷发形成的熔岩隧道深处,使用安全帽和湿漉漉的录音设备进行拍摄的。
制作人 Charles Van Kirk 和雷恩岛艺术家 Aurus 在当地导游的帮助下,沿着一条鲜为人知的渔民小径穿越破碎的火山岩石,寻找 Salanganes 鸟(英文中的雨燕)。
通往熔岩隧道的路径始于 Charles 问 Aurus:你童年时在雷恩岛最难忘的声音是什么?
Aurus 和 Charles 在洞穴中唱歌,并在熔岩表面演奏打击乐,熔岩的运动刻在波纹和裂缝中。
这些空间中的大多数都有一个共同点:滴水和 Salanganes 的扑翼声。
这个样本包的第二部分是在犹他州南部和锡安国家公园周围与 Charles、歌手 Emily Greene 和 Splice 的 Josh Robertson 一起录制的。
三人探索了一个废弃的砂岩隧道和几个其他声学好奇点,依靠 Emily 在蜿蜒的犹他洞穴独特的混响中倾斜的华丽人声来完成这个样本包。
所有声音均使用 DPA 5100 环绕麦克风录制到 Sound Devices 录音机或 SSL 界面。
Since the very beginning of humanity caves have attracted us as safe-havens and gathering points that to this day still provide a feeling of mystique and history. Because of its resistance to change and the relative stability of its climate, the underground world perfectly preserves much anthropological and paleontological evidence that has taught us much about our fellow man. What do caves sound like? Can we capture that magical resonance and reverb of caves that transports us back to the times of ancient ancestors?
Soundscapes Caves takes place over two distinct cave environments. The pack originally took shape with hardhats and soggy recording equipment deep in lava tunnels formed by a volcanic eruption 20 years ago on Réunion Island, a French department in the Indian Ocean. Producer Charles Van Kirk and Réunionnais artist Aurus hiked over crumbling volcanic rocks along a little known fisherman’s path with the help of a local guide in search of Salanganes birds (swiftlets in English).
The path to the lava tunnels began with Charles asking Aurus: what are the most memorable sounds from your childhood on Réunion? One of the answers to that question - echolocating birds nesting deep in caves near the ocean - is featured prominently in these recordings. Aurus and Charles sang in the caves and played percussion on the surfaces of the lava, with the movement of the eruption etched in ripples and cracks.
This network of caves contains many different acoustic environments: small, intimate spaces with excitable low frequencies and larger chambers with longer reverb decay times. A constant in most of these spaces is dripping water and fluttering wings of the Salanganes.
The second part of this sample pack was recorded in southern Utah in and around Zion National Park with Charles, vocalist Emily Greene and Splice’s Josh Robertson. The trio explored an abandoned sandstone tunnel and several other points of acoustic curiosity, leaning into the expertise of Emily’s gorgeous vocals in the unique reverbs of the twisting Utah caves to round out this pack.
As you spelunk into these samples, expect incredible vocals echoing through the cave networks, compelling percussion using rocks, body parts and creatures living in the caves, and incredible synths designed from the ambiences found in these special hideaways. Become a sonic cave-dweller and unearth these versatile, full, and moving sounds for your next film production, track, or whatever your creative endeavor.
All sounds were recorded with a DPA 5100 surround microphone into either a Sound Devices recorder or an SSL interface.
· 310 Samples