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City Pop

City Pop

eqSounds | Splice | 1.51GB


这个合集灵感来源于 City Pop 和 Rare Groove 永恒闪耀的声音,它将你带到一个由闪亮的合成器、流畅的旋律、充满放克风格的贝斯线条和极具感染力的律动定义的时代。这个采样包捕捉了令人心情愉悦的怀旧感和现代风格的精髓,对于那些希望唤起那种独特的复古与未来融合氛围的制作人来说,是一个必不可少的工具包。

在其中,你会发现精心制作的歌曲分轨被分解成各个部分,让你能够重新构想和重建每一个细节。从丰富的和弦进行和抓耳的主旋律,到流畅的吉他连复段和如天鹅绒般的键盘音色,每一个元素都带来了 City Pop 时代的真实精髓。此外,City Pop 还包含完整的歌曲起始素材,可以快速激发你的灵感,以及大量的强劲鼓单次采样、节奏循环和打击乐律动,让你用经典的摇摆感锁定你的音轨。

City Pop 非常适合 Nu-Disco、Future Funk、Chillwave 等流派,它是你探索现代作品中受日本启发流行音乐黄金时代的通行证。


Inspired by the timeless, shimmering sounds of City Pop and Rare Groove, this collection transports you to an era defined by glistening synths, smooth melodies, funk-infused basslines, and infectious grooves. Capturing the essence of feel-good nostalgia and modern flair, this pack is an essential toolkit for producers looking to evoke that unmistakable retro-meets-future vibe.

Inside, you'll find meticulously crafted song stems broken down into individual parts, allowing you to reimagine and reconstruct every detail. From lush chord progressions and catchy toplines to smooth guitar licks and velvety keys, each element brings the authentic essence of the City Pop era. Additionally, City Pop features full songstarters to get your inspiration flowing quickly and a treasure trove of punchy drum one-shots, rhythmic loops, and percussive grooves to lock your tracks in with that classic swing.

Perfect for genres such as Nu-Disco, Future Funk, Chillwave, and beyond, City Pop is your ticket to exploring the golden age of Japanese inspired pop music in modern productions.


     ·     320 Samples

下载价格10 积分
大小:eqSounds | Splice | 1.51GB

这个合集灵感来源于 City Pop 和 Rare Groove 永恒闪耀的声音,它将你带到一个由闪亮的合成器、流畅的旋律、充满放克风格的贝斯线条和极具感染力的律动定义的时代。这个采样包捕捉了令人心情愉悦的怀旧感和现代风格的精髓,对于那些希望唤起那种独特的复古与未来融合氛围的制作人来说,是一个必不可少的工具包。

在其中,你会发现精心制作的歌曲分轨被分解成各个部分,让你能够重新构想和重建每一个细节。从丰富的和弦进行和抓耳的主旋律,到流畅的吉他连复段和如天鹅绒般的键盘音色,每一个元素都带来了 City Pop 时代的真实精髓。此外,City Pop 还包含完整的歌曲起始素材,可以快速激发你的灵感,以及大量的强劲鼓单次采样、节奏循环和打击乐律动,让你用经典的摇摆感锁定你的音轨。

City Pop 非常适合 Nu-Disco、Future Funk、Chillwave 等流派,它是你探索现代作品中受日本启发流行音乐黄金时代的通行证。


Inspired by the timeless, shimmering sounds of City Pop and Rare Groove, this collection transports you to an era defined by glistening synths, smooth melodies, funk-infused basslines, and infectious grooves. Capturing the essence of feel-good nostalgia and modern flair, this pack is an essential toolkit for producers looking to evoke that unmistakable retro-meets-future vibe.

Inside, you’ll find meticulously crafted song stems broken down into individual parts, allowing you to reimagine and reconstruct every detail. From lush chord progressions and catchy toplines to smooth guitar licks and velvety keys, each element brings the authentic essence of the City Pop era. Additionally, City Pop features full songstarters to get your inspiration flowing quickly and a treasure trove of punchy drum one-shots, rhythmic loops, and percussive grooves to lock your tracks in with that classic swing.

Perfect for genres such as Nu-Disco, Future Funk, Chillwave, and beyond, City Pop is your ticket to exploring the golden age of Japanese inspired pop music in modern productions.


     ·     320 Samples



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