eqSounds | Splice | 652 MB
Samplestar 骄傲地推出《Clouds Indie Pop V2》!
作为第二部作品,V2 再次带来了一系列丰富多彩的旋律驱动型独立流行金曲!包含闪亮的吉他钩子、感染力十足的合成器、振奋人心的键盘、强劲的鼓点、充满律动的贝斯线等等 – 所有这些都由经验丰富的专业乐手倾情演绎,他们生活在独立流行音乐的氛围中!
所有乐器均经过录制和混音,以捕捉独立流行音乐真正的魔法般神秘本质 – 所有这些都为您的工作室创作做好准备!
灵感来源于 2 Door Cinema Club、Bombay Bicycle Club、Foals、Friendly Fires、Metric、Phoenix、The Wombats 等乐队。
- 请注意:对艺术家、乐队、制作人和厂牌的任何引用仅用于描述目的。 所有内容均为 100% 免版税,已清除并可立即发布 – 获取灵感 | 创造力。 所有内容均经过精心混音和均衡处理,以获得最佳音质平衡,同时留出足够的空间进行进一步处理和最终母带处理
Samplestar are very proud to present Clouds Indie Pop V2!
Returning for its second installment, Vol 2 once again delivers a plethora of eclectic melody driven indie pop anthems! Featuring shimmering guitar hooks, infectious synths, uplifting keys, punchy drums, groove soaked basslines and much more – all beautifully performed by seasoned professional session musicians who live and breath the genre!
All instruments have been recorded and mixed to capture the true magical esoteric essence of indie pop music – all primed and ready to ignite your studio creativity!
Inspired by bands like 2 Door Cinema Club, Bombay Bicycle Club, Foals, Friendly Fires, Metric, Phoenix, The Wombats – to name but a few.
While suitable for a broad range of musical genres this library will be especially useful for media producers / composers within the Games, Film, TV and Radio advertising industry.
* Please note: Any reference to artists, bands, producers & labels are provided purely for descriptive purposes only.
Everything is 100% royalty free, cleared & release ready – Get Inspired | Get Creative.
All content has been carefully mixed and eq’d for optimum sonic balance while allowing plenty of extra headroom for further processing and also final mastering stages.
· 234 Samples