eqSounds | Splice | 1.4 GB
这个样本包由 David Crowell 创作,他是一位位于纽约的作曲家,也是 Philip Glass Ensemble 的前成员(2007 - 2016),并且曾受 A Far Cry、Argus Quartet、JACK Quartet、Sandbox Percussion 等乐团的委托创作。这个包由 David 在中音和次中音萨克斯上演奏,以及 Thomas Giles 在长笛、单簧管和低音单簧管上演奏。音乐基于一系列短小的练习曲,包含交织的旋律、催眠的节奏和缓慢移动的和声。所有声音都由 Charles Van Kirk 工程处理和混音。录音是在布鲁克林的 Virtue and Vice 工作室使用一系列老式麦克风录制到 Neve 8026 控制台的。
This sample pack was composed by David Crowell, a New York based composer who is a former member of the Philip Glass Ensemble (2007 - 2016) and has been commissioned by ensembles such as A Far Cry, Argus Quartet, JACK Quartet, Sandbox Percussion and others. The pack was performed by David on alto and tenor saxophone, and by Thomas Giles on flute, clarinet and bass clarinet. The music is based on a series of short etudes that contain interwoven melodies, hypnotic rhythms and slow-moving harmony. All sounds were engineered and mixed by Charles Van Kirk. The session was recorded at Virtue and Vice studios in Brooklyn with a collection of vintage microphones into a Neve 8026 console.
· 361 Samples