eqSounds | Splice | 619 MB
Komorebi Audio 推出的 “Corazón de Mariachi” 是一组正宗而原创的Mariachi采样和Loops,记录于墨西哥州墨西哥市的 El Jardín Aéreo Studio。
在这个采样包中,您将找到完整的旋律Loops,包括带有和不带有Bass的版本,还有史诗般丰富的小号Loops、尖锐的吉他和 Vihuela 声音以及技艺高超的小提琴声。
所有这些原创作品均由墨西哥资深音乐家Fernando Civeira 创作,小号、小提琴和人声均由当地会话音乐家提供。
Komorebi Audio Presents – Corazón de Mariachi, a collection of authentic and original mariachi samples and loops recorded at El Jardín Aéreo Studio in Mexico State, Mexico. Inside this sample pack you will find full melodic stack loops provided with and without bass, epic and rich trumpet loops, twangy guitar and vihuela sounds and expertly played violin sounds.
All of these original compositions were created by veteran Mexican musician Fernando Civeira while trumpets, violins and vocals were provided by local session musicians.
If you are looking to add an authentic latin sound to your own music productions this pack has you covered.