eqSounds | Splice | 649 MB
Cozmoe的Sounds of The Sky Vol.1已经升起,帮助制作人立即悬浮到一个有机的流动状态。这些混响的声音从人类即兴创作的泥土深处爬出来,将你包围在一个充满活力的阴霾中,你需要为你的眼镜除雾。
Cozmoe’s Sounds of The Sky Vol 1. has risen to help producers instantly levitate into an organic flow state. Unapologetically emotional and undeniably chill, these reverberant sounds creep from the earthy depths of human improvisation to surround you in a vibey haze so thicc you’ll need to de-fog your glasses.
Featuring the lush layering techniques that have helped Cozmoe rack up millions of streams on Spotify, these samples will escort you towards the lo-fi sunset of your dreams where you will serenade the heavens with ease.
· 179 Samples