eqSounds | Splice | 397 MB
准备好从你的老唱片店里挖出最酷的复古鼓点了吗?ModeAudio 的 Crate Love – Hip Hop Drum Loops 带你重温 90 年代嘻哈的黄金年代,用厚实的 12 位比特节拍和爵士味的摇摆旋律,为你注入源汁原味的 Boom Bap 风情!
超过 469MB 的免版税鼓循环,包括:
- 172 个精心制作的鼓循环: 灵感来自经典硬件采样器和复古唱片,用可口的黑胶噪音调味,为你提供原汁原味的 MPC 风格律动。
- 多种选择: 完整鼓循环、单独的 kick、顶鼓和打击乐循环,你可以轻松混搭出完美的 Boom Bap 味道!
- 90 个强劲的鼓样本: 将它们放入任何采样器中,创造你自己的独特节奏吧!
Crate Love – Hip Hop Drum Loops 让你瞬间回到嘻哈的黄金年代,准备好让你的下一个作品充满怀旧的音乐韵味吗?立即下载吧!
‘Crate Love – Hip Hop Drum Loops’ from ModeAudio brings the heat with its beefy, 12-bit beats, cooked up lovingly from the dusty bargain bins of that local, old record shop in town.
Explore this 469MB collection of royalty-free drum loops and find a delicious palette of low-slung grooves and swinging, jazzy beats, bringing all the seductive swagger of Hip Hop’s old skool sound straight into your studio.
Heavily inspired by the vintage, crunchy sound of 90s Hip Hop, driven by the classic hardware samplers of the era, these 172 drum loops have been delicately crafted to deliver authentic, MPC-style grooves, generously steeped in delectable vinyl crackle.
Take your pick from a set of full drum loops, or build your own beats from the ground up, mixing and matching from kicks, top drums and percussion loops until you get the perfect Boom Bap flavour!
The pack also includes a library of 90 hard-hitting drum samples – drop these into any sampler to bring your own unique rhythms to the sounds.
Inject some genuine musical nostalgia into your next laidback, head-nodding jam and feel the instant, intoxicating hit of Hip Hop’s golden era – download Crate Love – Hip Hop Drum Loops today!
· 262 Samples