eqSounds | Splice | 377 MB
正如我们的使用条款所述,未经丹娜-萨拉赫明确的书面许可,您不得使用丹娜-萨拉赫的姓名、图像或肖像。约旦出生的丹娜-萨拉赫在移居美国进入杜克大学后不久就开始唱歌、写作、制作和做DJ。毕业后,她搬到纽约市,从事全职音乐工作,较少专注于DJ和制作,以发展自己的艺术创作。2013年,她发明了 “King Deco “的角色和她的 “Decosphere “美学。她以King Deco身份发布的第一首歌是 “One”,由华纳/Chappell的制作人Felix Snow制作。
此后,她放弃了King Deco这个假名,因为它达到了目的,现在以她的本名发布电子流行音乐。现在,她正在分享她的人声广告、短语和更多的BPM,可用于任何类型的制作。
As described in our Terms of Use, you may not use Dana Salah’s name, image or likeness without Dana Salah’s express written permission. Jordanian-born Dana Salah began singing, writing, producing and DJing shortly after moving to the United States to enroll in Duke University. After graduation, she moved to New York City to pursue a full-time career in music, focusing less on DJing and production to develop her own artistry. In 2013, she invented the “King Deco” persona and her “Decosphere” aesthetic. The first song she released as King Deco was “One” featuring production from Warner/Chappell producer Felix Snow.
She has since moved away from the King Deco pseudonym as it served its purpose, now releasing electro-pop music under her born name. Now she’s sharing her vocal adlibs, phrases, and more in a variety of BPM to be used in any type of production.
· 207 Samples