eqSounds | Splice | 670 MB
准备好了吗?我们再次将冲向宇宙最黑暗的角落,这一次,也许我们不会回来了。《Dark Lo-Fi 5》带来了梦幻的钢琴循环,融合了粗糙的饱和度,以及被那经典、尘土飞扬、极其细腻的黑胶噪音点缀的柔和和弦,还有无数平滑、柔和的纹理。
Ready or not, we’re blasting off into the darkest corners of the universe once again and this time, we might not come back. Dark Lo-Fi 5 features dreamy piano loops blended with gritty saturation, mellow chords graced by that signature, dusty, ever-so-delicate noise of vinyl, and smooth, mellow textures galore. Laffey, Hoogway, Casiio, and Softy influenced every element of this chill sonic journey, where our one and only goal is to make you feel like you’re navigating a different galaxy altogether, where XP are a legit form of currency
· 232 Samples