eqSounds | Splice | 295 MB
在2024年,Amapiano 将是一种尝试将俱乐部场景中的多种声音融合在一起的音乐风格。凭借其易于跳舞的节奏,Amapiano 已经吸引了 DJ 和散居海外的人们的注意。那么,Amapiano 与电子音乐、流行音乐或 EDM 的声音融合会是什么样呢?这个包,Deep Amapiano,探索了它所有的可能性。
它将令人屏息的 Amapiano 打击乐与现代旋律相结合。使用 Yamaha 和 Arturia 合成器录制,并用 Serum 制作的层层声音,这个包是一杯美味的鸡尾酒,将让您深入国际 Amapiano 未来的世界。您将获得神奇的和弦、卓越的合成器、Amapiano 的神奇酱料和原木鼓。介绍 Deep Amapiano。
In 2024, Amapiano will be the style of music that tries to fuse many sounds from the club scene. With its danceable rhythms, Amapiano has already captured the attention of DJs and the diaspora. What about a fusion of Amapiano with the sounds of Electronic Music, Pop, or EDM? This pack, Deep Amapiano, explores all its possibilities.
It combines breathtaking Amapiano percussion with modern melodies. Recorded with Yamaha and Arturia synthesizers and layers of sounds made on Serum, this pack is a delicious cocktail that will plunge you into the future of Amapiano at the international level. You’ll get magical chords, sublime synths, Amapiano’s magic sauce, and the log drum. Introducing Deep Amapiano.
· 144 Samples