eqSounds | Splice | 962 MB
"Ambient Electronics" 这一样本包将丰富的、多层次的、充满质感的声学旋律与节奏感十足的节拍和民族打击乐相结合。它包含了密集的模块化氛围、脉动的单声道贝斯线、充满空间感的声学节奏、旋转的复古复音合成器,以及沉浸在节奏感强烈的75bpm音乐循环之中。这个样本包旨在提供高质量且灵活的音乐素材,不仅包含了用于下降部分的原始素材,还有精彩的和弦、旋律和节奏,用于副歌部分,这将为您的音乐制作带来新的色彩。它包含了各种循环、鼓点打击声、单拍以及节拍器预设,为具有前瞻性思维的 techno 和 house 制作人以及更广泛的音乐创作者提供了丰富的优质声音库。
Expansive euphonies, definitive drum grooves and syncopated sequences - Deep Melodic Techno delivers an assemblage of uncompromising analogue-derived sounds inspired by the ever evolving melodic Techno aesthetic, with uncompromising character and quality.
Exploring tech-driven drum patterns, melody-laden mono-synths, captivating astral atmospheres, deep basses and dimmed dub chords to offer an expansive and trasnformative take on the sound of the afterhours. Deep Melodic Techno offers an assortment of loops, drum hits, one-shots and beatmaker presets to deliver a choice selection of supreme sonic arsenal for the forward-thinking techno and house producer and beyond.
· 398 Samples
· 5 Presets
· 68 Extras