eqSounds | Splice | 867 MB
Demotapes - Volume 1 (Sunrise) 来自旧金山制作人和艺术家“demotapes”的思想。受到第一缕晨光的感觉的启发 - 一天中 demotapes 感觉最有创意的时间 - 这个包感觉就像一个轻快的早晨漫步在有质感的声音景观中。它包含一层又一层的细节,从大气的纹理声音和独特的鼓循环到立即激发想法的歌曲开场白。这个包拥有广阔的声音景观,旨在成为无穷无尽的灵感工具包 - 无流派、无国界 - 并且应该被重新设计、重新采样、分层并制作成你自己的。
demotapes - volume 1 (sunrise) comes from the mind of San Francisco-based producer and artist “demotapes”. Inspired by the feeling of the first morning light - the time of day when demotapes feels the most creatively inspired - this pack feels like a brisk morning stroll through textured sonic landscapes. It contains layer after layer of detail, ranging from atmospheric textural sounds and unique drum loops to song starters that immediately spark ideas. With a vast sonic landscape of sounds, this pack is meant to be an endless toolkit of inspiration - genreless, borderless - and meant to be reworked, resampled, layered, and made your own.
· 474 Samples