eqSounds | Splice | 914 MB
准备好打造轻松迷幻的浩室音乐了吗?Blackwarp 的 “Dreamy House Vol 1” 将为你提供超过 1GB 的丰厚素材,包括梦幻合成器循环、俏皮音效和令人沉醉的鼓组。这些令人上瘾的旋律采样将让任何作品瞬间变身浩室金曲,仿佛置身热带岛屿狂欢派对,啜饮鸡尾酒,音乐在主舞台上空回荡。
鼓组: 深沉梦幻的鼓点循环,可根据你的喜好提供轻松流畅的节奏或蹦跳有力的击打。同时,完整的单次鼓击采样经过精心制作,为你打造理想鼓组提供所需的一切。
贝斯: 温暖动感的贝斯线增添律动,与其他元素完美契合。
合成器: 充满情感的迷人合成器循环,让你的听众陶醉其中。
音效: 上升声、爆炸声、嗖嗖声和下降声将注入能量并营造气势,精选的氛围声效将完美融合你的曲目。
这个音色包的使用方式多种多样,你可以使用单次采样构建全新的曲目,也可以将循环混音到现有作品中。无论哪种方式,这些采样都随时可以使用,并带有调性和速度标签,让创作浩室爆款变得比以往更加轻松。“Dreamy House Vol 1” 将为你开启源源不断的灵感,助力你将音乐梦想变为现实!立即下载,让你的音乐想法绽放!
Its’ time for some laid-back beats with Blackwarp’s ‘Dreamy House Vol 1’ which packs over 1 GB of lush Synth loops, playful FX, and entrancing Drums. These poppy and addictive melodic samples will transform any production into house hits and will have you dreaming of sipping cocktails while playing your music on the main stage of a tropical island rave.
Drums: Deep and dreamy drum loops, will provide an easy rhythmic flow or bouncy, punchy beats depending on your preference. While the full repertoire of drum one-shots are expertly crafted and provides everything you need to craft your ideal drums.
Bass: Warm driving bass lines add body moving groove whilst complementing the other elements.
Synths: Luscious synth loops filled with emotion will keep your listeners enchanted and engaged.
FX: Risers, Explosions, Swooshes, and Fallers will inject energy and build momentum, and the selection of sweeping atmospheric effects will perfectly meld your track together.
There are so many ways to use this pack, use the one-shots to build up a completely new track, or remix the loops into your current productions. Either way, these samples are ready for action and are key and tempo-labeled, making it easier than ever to create your own house bangers. “Dreamy House Vol 1” by Blackwarp won’t leave you short of inspiration as you dream up your next track! Get it today to turn your ideas into reality.
· 382 Samples