eqSounds | Splice | 577 MB
准备好踏上电子音乐的空灵之旅,我们的最新发布——DYNAMIC MELODIC TECHNO!在这个由200多个精心制作的采样组成的合集里,你将面对Melodic Techno迷人的旋律和脉动的节奏。
沉浸在迷人的旋律和强劲的节奏中,从闪闪发光的synth琶音到脉动的bass线、复杂的打击乐循环、氛围感十足的pads和超凡脱俗的synth主音。此外,这次发布还包括5个专业制作的songstarter kits,分解成各个stem,为你的音乐探索提供坚实的基础。
DYNAMIC MELODIC TECHNO汲取了Tale Of Us、Stephan Bodzin、Adriatique和Kölsch等流派大师的灵感,捕捉了现代Melodic Techno和Progressive Techno的精髓。通过这个发布,提升你的声音并超越界限。
我们是Sample Tools by Cr2,这就是……DYNAMIC MELODIC TECHNO!
Prepare to embark on a journey through the ethereal realms of electronic music with our latest release: DYNAMIC MELODIC TECHNO! Prepare to be faced with the hypnotic melodies and pulsating rhythms of Melodic Techno in this 200+ collection of highly crafted samples.
Immerse yourself in enchanting melodies and powerful rhythms, from shimmering synth arpeggios to pulsating basslines, intricate percussive loops, atmospheric pads, and otherworldly synth leads. Additionally, this release includes 5 professionally produced songstarter kits, broken down into stems, each providing a solid foundation to kickstart your musical exploration.
Drawing inspiration from genre luminaries such as Tale Of Us, Stephan Bodzin, Adriatique, and Kölsch, DYNAMIC MELODIC TECHNO captures the essence of contemporary Melodic Techno and Progressive Techno. Elevate your sound and transcend boundaries with this release.
We are Sample Tools by Cr2, and this is… DYNAMIC MELODIC TECHNO!
· 231 Samples