eqSounds | Splice | 382 MB
13岁开始弹奏贝斯的自学成才的迈克尔·卡约德·库蒂(Michael Kayode Kuti)迅速投入到约鲁巴朱朱(Yoruban juju)和高地生活音乐的迷人催眠节奏中。尽管他最初打算走宁静福音音乐的道路,但这位崭露头角的天才意外地获得了一生的机会,当被邀请加入由尼日利亚 Afrobeat 明星费拉·库蒂(Fela Kuti)组建的传奇埃及80乐队时。
这个系列中的电贝斯演奏反映了这一旅程:沉浸在 Afrobeat 传统中的西非贝斯演奏,但适用于各种音乐风格。卡约德的演奏坚实、有意图,始终在节奏口袋中,对任何制作都是一份礼物。
Picking up the bass at thirteen, self-taught Michael Kayode Kuti quickly took to the swaggering hypnotic rhythms of Yoruban juju and highlife music. Though he had originally intended on following the path of serene gospel music, the budding ace was unexpectedly offered the chance of a lifetime when he was asked to join the legendary Egypt 80 band, formed by Nigerian afrobeat star Fela Kuti.
The electric bass playing in this collection reflects this journey: West African bass playing steeped in the Afrobeat tradition, but made for use across genres. Robust, intentional, and always in the pocket, Kayode’s playing is a gift to any production.
*The demo contains guitar and drum samples not included in the pack.
· 146 Samples