eqSounds | Splice | 29 MB
从尘封的钢琴到Synth Plucks、Ember,Serum的Lofi Soul扩展包提供了65个预置音色,灵感来源于Bedroom beats、Future R&B和前卫电子音乐等风格。
From dusty keys to organic synthetic plucks, Embers: Lofi Soul For Serum delivers 65 presets inspired by bedroom beats, future RnB and forward-thinking electronica.
This collection includes a wide range of inspiring sounds including experimental leads, moody evolving pads, resonant bass and analogue style poly-synths.
Designed by Yvng Face, all presets were built from scratch featuring custom recorded and created wavetables, and taking full advantage of Serum’s macro controls.
Please note: The Serum patches have been created, tested using Serum V1.286. The audio demo uses content/sounds found in other Capsun ProAudio sample packs.
· 65 Presets