eqSounds | Splice | 667 MB
这个样本包是一个多样化的假声和声音效果的集合。重点是户外录制的运动声音,如篮球、足球和高尔夫。还有来自三大洲的城市环境,以及在工作室录制的各种日常物品。该包还包括使用合成器(如Dave Smith Instruments Tempest和Teenage Engineering的OP-1)制作的警报和通知声音。这些声音将在电影和商业声音设计以及应用程序和用户界面的背景下很好地发挥作用。
This sample pack is a diverse collection of foley and sound effects. There is a focus on outdoor recordings of sports sounds such as basketball, soccer, and golf. There are city ambiences from three continents and an assortment of everyday objects recorded in the studio. The pack also includes alert and notification sounds created using synthesizers such as the Dave Smith Instruments Tempest and Teenage Engineering’s OP-1. These sounds will work well in the contexts of film and commercial sound design as well as in apps and user interfaces.
· 285 Samples