eqSounds | Splice | 1.48 GB
"Evil Nightmares" 是一个令人不安的电影音乐音效库,它包含了各种令人不安的声音和循环。这个音效库拥有深度令人不安的咆哮声、恐怖的嗡嗡声、电影鼓循环和吱吱作响的弦乐,恐怖氛围十分真实。你可以在制作中加入这些令人毛骨悚然的氛围,或者为预告片、游戏、广播或电视制作最诡异的声音景观。
这个包包含了高质量的单拍鼓声和循环、令人震惊的乐器单拍声和循环、创造性的纹理、萦绕的扫掠声、令人恐惧的音效,以及你下一次电影恐怖冒险所需的一切。为你的制作增添令人脊背发凉的氛围,并立即获取 "Evil Nightmares" 音效库。
Distressing sounds and intimidating loops, Evil Nightmares is the most unsettling cinematic sound bank to be found.
Deeply disturbing braams, horrifying drones, cinematic drum loops and creaking strings, the horror is real. Add chilling vibes to your productions or create the creepiest soundscapes for trailers, games, radio or television with this frightening cinematic soundbank.
Startling Horror Sounds: Bloody and broken strings, dark atmospheric piano signatures and intimidating braams, experience the chilling sounds of a never ending nightmare. Old haunted clocks and spooky cinematic Fx sounds and loops are at hand to add that extra touch of frightfulness to any project. Whether you're making crazy soundscapes or spooky trap, house, dubstep or techno, these daunting bells and frightful flutes will instantly give off terrorising vibes.
Dark Cinematic Drums: Filled with murderous hits, scary booms and ghostly percussion loops, this dark cinematic sample collection will leave any audience petrified. Create mysterious, terrifying stories with these cinematic loops and creepy one shots
This pack contains high quality one shot drum sounds and loops, staggering instrument one shot sounds and loops, creative textures, haunting sweeps, frightening fx and everything you need for your next cinematic horror escapade.
· 472 Samples