eqSounds | Splice | 443 MB
Fabric – 环境钢琴循环音源包
ModeAudio 的 “Fabric – 环境钢琴循环音源包” 将您的声音包裹在柔软奢华的羊毛温暖中,让您沉浸在我们最新精心制作、质感丰富的钢琴循环音源中。
打开这个 486MB 的华丽钢琴循环、深厚管弦乐音和鼓样本合集,您将发现闪闪发光的环境音素材层叠,以及令人回味的电影配乐旋律,为您的下一个制作环节带来灵感。
我们使用了新安装的复古 Chappell 立式钢琴进行录音,并在录音室花费了无数小时完善这款音源包的声音,精心制作了 136 个音乐循环,满足您的环境音乐需求。
回响的钢琴和弦、舒缓的主旋律和跳跃的颤音段落,以及一系列迷人的钢琴无人机、噼啪作响的噪音纹理、密集的打击乐节奏和滚动的合成器低音部分,所有这些都可以在 DAW 中无限循环。
34 个充满活力的管弦乐鼓样本完善了整套音源,为您构建下一个环境、电影或低速爵士乐作品提供了完整的工具集 – 下载 Fabric – 环境钢琴循环音源包,立即开始您的声音雕刻之旅!
‘Fabric – Ambient Piano Loops’ from ModeAudio envelopes your sound in the soft, luxurious warmth of felt – allow yourself to be gently cloaked in our latest offering of intricately detailed and richly textured piano loops.
Open up this 486MB selection of splendid piano loops, deep orchestral sounds and drum samples, and you’ll discover layers of glistening Ambient sonic material alongside evocative Cinematic melodies to bring to your next production sessions.
We’ve mic’d up our newly installed, vintage Chappell upright piano, and spent countless hours in the studio perfecting the sound for this pack, delicately crafting a library of 136 music loops for your Ambient needs.
Using our factory-matched stereo pair of high-quality condenser microphones and a range of soft fabrics to subtly dampen the strings, we’ve gone to great lengths to carefully capture the dazzling sonic atmosphere across these loops.
Reverberant piano chords, soothing lead melodies and scampering treble passages are joined by a range of mesmeric piano drones, crackling noise textures, dense percussion rhythms and rolling synth bass parts, all infinitely loopable within the DAW.
34 vibrant, orchestral drum samples round out the set, offering a full set of tools for you to get building your next Ambient, Cinematic or Downtempo jam with – download Fabric – Ambient Piano Loops and start sculpting in sound today!
· 170 Samples