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Flashback: Nostalgic Drama

Flashback: Nostalgic Drama

eqSounds | Splice | 837 MB



怀旧的情感在每一个音符中回荡,这是一部乐谱,将最近过去的点点滴滴唤醒。洛杉矶作曲家兼多乐器演奏家 Emiliano Mazzenga 带着这个音色包陪伴你,它汇集了美丽的萨克斯风、复古合成器以及由好莱坞历史悠久的 Sound Factory-Serenity West 工作室中顶尖洛杉矶弦乐演奏家录制的弦乐演奏。FlashBack:怀旧的戏剧汲取黑白电影黑色电影犯罪片的灵感,融入现代元素,带你踏上一段深刻的情感旅程,穿越标志性的电影音景,既忧郁又熟悉。

Emiliano 是一位性格内敛而又充满好奇心的音乐艺术家,拥有为屡获殊荣的剧情电影和电视项目创作音乐的丰富经验。他所创造的声音世界独一无二,既融合了模拟和复古的本质,又具有现代和新潮的气息。他巧妙地将不同风格和传统元素融合在一起。萨克斯风合奏可以开启一个神秘的黑色电影场景,而一些厚重的鼓点则让人回想起2000年代初的嘻哈氛围。弦乐演奏如泣如歌,时而滑翔,时而与演奏若有所思的乐段的低保真合成器相伴相随。所有这些元素完美融合,既经典又适用于任何当代作品。



A journey back in time, a nostalgic feeling heard in every note, a score that brings back memories from a recent past. LA-based composer and multi-instrumentalist Emiliano Mazzenga, accompanies you in this pack with a beautiful collection of saxophones, hardware synths, and some of the best LA string players recorded in the historic Sound Factory-Serenity West studio in Hollywood. Inspired by black and white film noir crime dramas with a modern spin, Flashback: Nostalgic Drama takes you on a deep emotional journey through and iconic cinematic soundscape that feels melancholy yet familiar.

Emiliano is an eccentric and curious musical artist with extensive experience writing music for award-winning drama films and tv projects. The sound worlds that Emiliano creates are unique, having an analog and vintage nature, yet modern and fresh feel. He blends elements from different styles and traditions. A choir of saxophones can open the door to a mysterious noir scenario, while some fat drums bring back to mind early 2000’s hip hop vibes. Live strings sing, moan and glide, or sometimes even accompany and sustain lo-fi synths playing reflective motifs. All these elements are cooked together in a very smooth way that makes them classic yet relevant for any current production.

Today, these different paths merge together in this pack giving you an incredible tool box to be used in your own productions. Explore this collection of sounds and get inspired while writing your next dramatic and emotional film music cue, or while adding that organic, and warm vintage sound to your pop or hip hop productions. Get ready to tear up a little and even smile while this melancholic musical journey unfolds.




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