eqSounds | Splice | 583 MB
在《The Voice》第15季中,Foushee的歌声让评委们赞不绝口。自她在黄金时段电视首秀以来,这位另类灵魂艺术家已经发布了许多情感丰富的单曲和EP。受到Bob Marley、Chaka Khan和Frank Ocean等艺术家的影响,Foushee对灵魂乐的多元化理解融合了blends R&B、Reggae、Rock、Hip Hop和其他流派的元素。
Jennifer Hudson和Adam Levine可以证明:她的声音是一股不可忽视的力量。
As described in our Terms of Use, you may not use Foushee’s name, image or likeness without Foushee’s express written permission. Foushee’s singing floored the judges on The Voice Season 15. Since her prime time television debut, the alt-soul artist has released a number of emotionally-rich singles and EPs. Influenced by artists like Bob Marley, Chaka Khan, and Frank Ocean, Foushee’s pluralistic take on soul blends R&B, Reggae, Rock, Hip Hop, and other genre elements. Jennifer Hudson and Adam Levine can attest: her voice is a force to be reckoned with. In her first Splice sample pack, Foushee….
· 241 Samples