eqSounds | Splice | 367 MB
Amazondotcom(本名 Stella Ahn)是一位韩裔美籍制作人,在实验低音音乐领域中创造了独特的、充满想象力的艺术空间。她将抽象的手鼓和金属合成器融合在一起,营造出一个形态各异、既有热带风情又具有工业氛围的音乐世界。如果你喜欢多节奏音乐或狂欢派对,那么”Fractured Percussion & Club Mutations”绝对是你不可错过的佳作,里面充满了无限可能的Percussion节奏,等待着你来发掘。
The snaking rhythms and slippery sound design of Korean-American producer Amazondotcom (real name Stella Ahn) carve out a new and imaginative space in experimental bass music. Abstracted hand drums and metallic synthesis coalesce in a shapeshifting landscape, equal parts tropical and industrial. Polyrhythmic producers and rave enthusiasts will find Fractured Percussion & Club Mutations brimming with deconstructed bangers waiting to be realized.
· 171 Samples
· 1 Presets
· 1 Extras