eqSounds | Splice | 134 MB
千万不要错过我们最新推出的正宗80年代鼓采样集,虽然体积小巧,但氛围绝对震撼!它采用顶尖复古鼓机和一套完美无瑕的70年代Slingerland爵士鼓套装精心制作,再通过极具美感的API outboard混音,完美捕捉了那个年代熟悉的经典音色。
Small in size but undeniably mighty in the vibe, our latest collection of authentic 80’s drum samples is not to be slept on. Crafting using only the the finest vintage drum machines, an immaculate 70’s Slingerland drum kit and mixed through some beautiful API outboard, this one perfectly captures the sounds we all know and love.
Broken down across 8 constructions kits, a packed folder of extra full loops plus some incredible sounding one shots, we know this one will become a sample go-to. Featuring both live and programmed drum loops, delicate live percussion loops, gated reverbs and timeless 80’s swing, this is a must have for die hard fans of that era.
Fitting perfectly against some 80’s synth samples whilst feeling equally at home in modern pop or hip-hop, this is a prime opportunity to own the sounds of one of the most iconic eras in musical history! A truly unique pack that’s not only royalty free but comes mix ready, broken down for maximum flexibility and itching to get used on your next track. We love it!
· 66 Samples