eqSounds | Splice | 131 MB
你想让你的音乐制作有多怪异?因为,*警告* 这个包不适合“普通人”。是否曾想要让你的声音像故障音乐之王那样?嗯,过度的处理基本上就是他们的做法!我已经为你节省了重新采样的数小时,让你可以回到更重要的事情上 - 编写你想写的音乐!这个包包含了169个24位,44.1 kHz的文件,总共157MB,其中包括一些声音,它们更准确地被命名为“吃豆人第一次吸毒出错.wav”。
How weird are you trying to get with your productions? Because, *WARNING* This pack is not for “normies”. Ever wanted to sound like the glitch kings? Welp, over the top processing is basically how they’re doing it! I’ve saved you the hours of resampling so you can get back to the important stuff - writing the music you want to write! Spanning over 169, 24-bit, 44.1 kHz files totaling 157MB, this pack comes with sounds such that can be no more accurately titled things such as “Pacman Does Drugs For The First Time Gone Wrong.wav”.
· 168 Samples