eqSounds | Splice | 1.56 GB
GLOWPOP OVERLOAD是一个充满活力的样本集合,充斥着复古未来主义流行音乐和超现代制作。人声和旋律在强劲的合成贝斯、欢愉的开场段落、吉他演奏和精细打造的强力鼓声之上流淌。这个样本集由获得格莱美提名的制作人、词曲创作人、混音师和多乐器演奏者Charlie McClean专门为91Vocals独家打造。
Charlie McClean曾为包括Diana Ross、Sam Rider、Purple Disco Machine、LÉON和Icon Pop等艺术家编写和制作歌曲。他还在电影和电视领域担任制片人、作曲家和编曲师,目前的客户包括迪士尼、苹果和大众汽车。Charlie是sheWrites出版社和全女性创作营地的联合创始人。
根据我们的使用条款,您不得使用Charlie McClean的姓名、形象或肖像。
GLOWPOP OVERLOAD, a vibrant sample collection bursting with retro-futuristic pop and ultra-modern production. Vocals and melodies flow over driving synth bass, euphoric songstarters, guitar riffs, and polished power drums. Expertly created and crafted by Grammy-nominated producer, songwriter, mixer, and multi-instrumentalist Charlie McClean, exclusively for 91Vocals.
Vocals include vocal hooks, chops, vocoders, one-shots, and ear-candy fx —all original and royalty-free. Provided with wet and dry versions to maximize flexibility. A truly epic toolkit designed to inspire the full spectrum of retro, synth-infused pop production and beyond.
Charlie McClean has written and produced songs for artists including Diana Ross, Sam Rider, Purple Disco Machine, LÉON, Icon Pop, and many more. Also working in film and TV as a producer, composer, and orchestrator, with current clients including Disney, Apple, and VW. Charlie is the co-founder of sheWrites publishing and all-female writing camps.
As described in our Terms of Use, you may not use Charlie McClean’s name, image, or likeness.
· 559 Samples