eqSounds | Splice | 647 MB
准备好前所未有地享受Tech House的律动吧。这个采样包从零开始打造,以Tech House的摇摆节奏为核心,可以在短短几分钟内填补你制作中的空白。
“Gold Rush”极其令人上瘾,所以做好准备,可能会因为在工作室里长时间闭关而与朋友和家人失去联系。这个采样包包含了大量令人垂涎的内容,包括震撼的低音线、超级摇摆的节拍、全面的音乐循环、真实的合成器循环、紧凑的一次性音效、精准的特效等等。
我们等待了很久才发布一个直击要点、全力出击的Tech House采样包……现在终于时机已到。通过这一顶级的采样包,捕捉Tech House的能量、动力和真实魅力。
Get your Tech House groove on like never before. Built from the ground up with Tech House swing at the forefront, this sample pack will fill your production void in literally minutes.
‘Gold Rush’ is as addictive as heck, so be prepared to loose contact with friends and family, whilst hibernating in your studio for crazy long stints. A huge amount of delectable content including pounding basslines, super swung beats, all out music loops, authentic synth loops, tight one shots, to the point fx and more.
We waited a long time to release an up front, all guns blazing Tech House pack… and now the time has come. Capture the energy, drive and authentic flair of Tech House today with one of the finest sample packs other there.
· 347 Samples