eqSounds | Splice | 334 MB
利用这份包含循环段落的录音室素材,为您的音色库增添复古灵魂乐的元素,这些声音一直是 boom bap 和 lofi 嘻哈音乐的中流砥柱。其中,复古风琴 (vibes) 的声音将作为引导和主导的乐器。
吕青宜 (Lü Qīngyí) 近期荣登录音学院 (Recording Academy) 2023 十大新兴爵士艺术家榜单。作为一位台湾出生的女性爵士乐风琴演奏家,吕青宜拥有台北艺术大学古典音乐硕士学位以及费城艺术大学爵士乐硕士学位,她的视角独特且具有跨界性。多年来,她的音乐广受好评,足迹也遍布欧洲、亚洲和美国各地。
录音地点位于费城的海龟录音室 (Turtle Studios),吕青宜与费城音乐界传奇人物“唐叔” (Uncle Don) 唐纳德·史蒂文斯 (Donald Stevens) 合作完成。唐纳德曾参与吉尔·斯科特 (Jill Scott) 的格莱美获奖专辑《Who is Jill Scott》以及热门单曲《Long Walk》的录制,在灵魂乐黄金年代扮演着重要角色。
当然,我们还有经常合作的克里斯托弗·迈克尔·史蒂文斯 (Christopher Michael Stevens) 和马库斯·迈尔斯 (Marcus Myers),他们精心创作了致敬艾耶斯 (Roy Ayers) 的精美作品。艾耶斯曾是嘻哈音乐中最常被采样的艺术家。无论您创作的是嘻哈音乐还是其他风格的音乐,我们相信这些声音都能为您的下一个项目带来“美好氛围 (good vibes) ”!
Signature presents, “Good Vibrations,” a release of original loops featuring jazz vibraphonist Chien Chien Lu. This pack highlights the inspirations of artists like the heavily sampled Roy Ayers and his influence from soulful funk-jazz and the acid jazz movement to neo soul that all came about with including such an interesting and iconic instrument–the vibraphone.
Take advantage of having this studio session of loops in your possession adding vintage soulful sounds to your library that have been staples for boom bap and lofi hip hop alike, using the sounds of the vibes as a guiding and leading instrument.
Lu has recently been included in the list of 10 Emerging Jazz Artists of 2023 by the Recording Academy. Lu offers a unique, intersectional perspective on modern jazz as a Taiwanese-born woman vibraphonist with a masters in classical music from Taipei National University of the Arts as well as in jazz from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. She has received critical acclaim for her music while also touring extensively in Europe, Asia and the US over the years.
Recorded at Turtle Studios in Philadelphia Chien Chien was accompanied by the legendary Donald Stevens, known as “Uncle Don” in the Philadelphia music community, who has played a prominent part in the neo soul scene’s golden years being a part of the Grammy Award winning album by Jill Scott, “Who is Jill Scott,” and lacing the hit single “Long Walk,” with his playing.
We of course also had our frequent collaborators Christopher Michael Stevens and Marcus Myers as well who were sure to write beautiful compositions that pay homage to Ayers, who at a time was the most sampled artist in hip hop. Whether you are making hip hop or any other style of music, no matter how you use these sounds we know they will bring “good vibes” to your next project!
· 83 Samples