eqSounds | Splice | 421 MB
HLZ 是一位享誉全球的 D&B(Drum and Bass)音乐制作人,签约于 Goldie 的传奇唱片公司 Metalheadz,这是英国最受尊敬的电子音乐标签之一。
作为一名音乐界的老手,HLZ 曾为 Integral 和 Dispatch 等其他唱片公司发行了众多作品,并正在为 Metalheadz 和 Dispatch 制作专辑项目。
在 2018 年,HLZ 的音乐事业达到高峰,他的曲目 “Dream Source” 被 Max Cooper 选入他的 VA Balance 030 专辑,而在 2019 年,Goldie 邀请他混音 “Crystal Clear” 曲目。混音作品发表在传奇的 “London Recordings” 唱片上。
HLZ 不断研究声音,创作出具有明显明暗对比的独特音乐。他完全沉浸在多种风格中的能力无人能及。这个音乐包反映了 HLZ 对音乐制作的独特方法,展示了他职业生涯中发展和完善的音效和技术。
HLZ 的笔记:
“这一次,我专注于制作一个精心制作的包。包中 80% 的内容是新的,包含在过去几个月中从头开始编写和工程制作的新鲜声音。
如果我要使用一个词来描述这个包,我会用 ‘旅程’ 这个词。”
包含 Phase Plant 和 Serum 预设:每个预设都让您在塑造声音以适应您的制作方面拥有创造性的控制。这些预设还利用了所有四个宏参数。此外,我们创建每个预设以使用 Serum 的参数,并尽可能使它们直观易用。这些预设将节省时间,提高工作流程,并激发新的音乐创意。
**观看 HLZ 音乐制作视频的链接:** [HLZ Presents Inner City DnB](https://splice.com/sounds/packs/test-press/hlz-presents-inner-city-dnb/story)
Link: https://splice.com/sounds/packs/test-press/hlz-presents-inner-city-dnb/story
HLZ is a worldwide renowned D&B Music producer signed to Goldie’s legendary label Metalheadz, one of the UK’s most respected electronic music labels.
As a scene veteran, he has released numerous projects for other labels like Integral and Dispatch and is working on album projects for both Metalheadz and Dispatch.
Peak moments in 2018 when his track “Dream Source” was selected by Max Cooper for his VA Balance 030 and in 2019 when Goldie asked him to remix his track “Crystal Clear”. The remix came out on the legendary “London Recordings”.
Constant research on sound leads to HLZ’s distinctive music, where a strong contrast between light and dark is always present. His ability to fully immerse himself into many styles is second to none. This pack reflects HLZ’s unique approach to music production, featuring sounds and techniques he has developed and refined over his career.
Notes from HLZ:
“This time, my focus for the pack was to deliver something meticulously crafted. 80% of the pack is new and contains fresh sounds written and engineered from scratch during the past few months.
Regarding music production, I uphold strict quality standards; sample packs are no exception. You can rest assured knowing that every sound in this pack meets these high standards.
I’m pretty happy with the final result; the pack is musical, dark, aggressive, mellow and inspired by labels I love.
If I have to describe the pack using a single word, I’d use the word journey.”
Phase Plant and Serum presets included: Each preset gives you creative control over shaping the sound to tailor to place into your productions precisely. The presets also utilize all of the four macro parameters. Furthermore, we create each preset to use Serum’s parameters and make them as intuitive as possible. These presets will save time, enhance workflow, and inspire new musical ideas.
· 511 Samples
· 8 Presets