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Hybrid Winds

Hybrid Winds

eqSounds | Splice | 912 MB


“Hybrid Winds”是 Kincaid 和 LUXE 之间的合作,探索了从自然到合成的频谱。LUXE 作为长笛演奏家,通过各种不同的录音,为这个采样包带来了她独特的方法和丰富的经验,而 Kincaid 则将这些声音诠释和重新构想成一系列奇异而美丽的循环和单次采样。这是一个奇异而沉浸式的世界,每个声音都来自 LUXE 的原始录音,仅添加了额外的效果和处理,但许多声音都模仿了合成、鼓冲击、纹理丰富的 Foley 音效和无法命名的声音调色板。无人机、主音、琶音、Pad 音色、管乐和人声-长笛混合音构成了这个采样包的主体,等待着被使用、重新构想和进一步处理。

封面由 Valeria Montero 创作。


Hybrid Winds is collaboration between Kincaid & LUXE, exploring the spectrum from organic to synthetic. LUXE brings her unique approach and extensive experience as a flutist to the pack through a wide range of varied recordings, while Kincaid has interpreted and reimagined these sounds into a bizarre and beautiful array of loops and one shots. It's a strange and immersive world where each sound has been created from LUXE's original recordings, with only additional effects and processing added, yet many sounds mimic synthesis, drum impacts, texture laden foley and unnamable sonic pallets. Drones, leads, arps, pads, winds, and vocal-flute hybrids, make up the body of this pack, waiting to be used, reimagined and processed further.

Artwork by Valeria Montero


     ·     238 Samples

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大小:eqSounds | Splice | 912 MB

“Hybrid Winds”是 Kincaid 和 LUXE 之间的合作,探索了从自然到合成的频谱。LUXE 作为长笛演奏家,通过各种不同的录音,为这个采样包带来了她独特的方法和丰富的经验,而 Kincaid 则将这些声音诠释和重新构想成一系列奇异而美丽的循环和单次采样。这是一个奇异而沉浸式的世界,每个声音都来自 LUXE 的原始录音,仅添加了额外的效果和处理,但许多声音都模仿了合成、鼓冲击、纹理丰富的 Foley 音效和无法命名的声音调色板。无人机、主音、琶音、Pad 音色、管乐和人声-长笛混合音构成了这个采样包的主体,等待着被使用、重新构想和进一步处理。

封面由 Valeria Montero 创作。


Hybrid Winds is collaboration between Kincaid & LUXE, exploring the spectrum from organic to synthetic. LUXE brings her unique approach and extensive experience as a flutist to the pack through a wide range of varied recordings, while Kincaid has interpreted and reimagined these sounds into a bizarre and beautiful array of loops and one shots. It’s a strange and immersive world where each sound has been created from LUXE’s original recordings, with only additional effects and processing added, yet many sounds mimic synthesis, drum impacts, texture laden foley and unnamable sonic pallets. Drones, leads, arps, pads, winds, and vocal-flute hybrids, make up the body of this pack, waiting to be used, reimagined and processed further.

Artwork by Valeria Montero


     ·     238 Samples



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