eqSounds | Splice | 416 MB
"Hydrosphere - Granular Synth Loops" 是由 ModeAudio 推出的一款声音库,它将您的音乐带入深层的碎片化氛围天堂——提供无版税的闪烁合成音景和放松的音调。这个库拥有丰富的合成器音色和复杂的嗡嗡声,被分解成数千个听觉碎片,以重新配置成令人兴奋的新形状和大小。
此外,还有16个颗粒纹理循环,结合了雾蒙蒙的噪音SFX和轻微刺耳的不规则打击节奏层,为您的电影制作增添额外的趣味和深度。让您的脚趾浸入氛围海洋,随波逐流——立即下载 "Hydrosphere - Granular Synth Loops" 吧!
'Hydrosphere - Granular Synth Loops' from ModeAudio plunges your music into deep layers of fragmented Ambient bliss - unpack royalty-free shimmering synth soundscapes and bring truly cutting-edge sonics to your next Experimental projects.
Choose from thick clouds of rumbling bass, undulating waves of scintillating synth chords,
hazy resonances and splintered high frequency sonics, delivering a sublime array of soundtrack-ready, granulated audio into your Ambient DAW session.
Calling upon our very own ModeAudio granular synthesis patches, we've split the atoms of these 80 music loops and reconfigured their molecular makeup into beautifully blurry new forms, putting a firm, modern stamp on this sumptuous sonic selection.
Alongside the synth loops comes 16 granular texture loops, melding foggy noise SFX and gentle, prickling layers of scattered percussive rhythms to bring extra spice and depth to your Cinematic pieces.
Dip your toe in an Ambient ocean and get carried away on currents of trickling audio - download Hydrosphere - Granular Synth Loops today!
· 80 Samples