eqSounds | Producer Loops | 167 MB
呈现“Hyperpop Flowers”素材包,它完全由 Hyperpop жанр (zhanr, 风格) 汲取灵感,拥有独特而强劲的声音,让每个建造包都散发出超凡脱俗的氛围和能量。它包含了您可以在音乐作品中使用的 人声 (rensheng, 人声),以及素材包中的所有内容。您可以在此找到的所有声音都可用于创作电子游戏(例如火箭联盟)的音乐,或用于 Jersey Club、Drain Gang、黑暗流行、实验流行或任何您想要的其他类型的音乐作品。灵感源自 Bladee、Arca、Charli XCX、Skrillex、100 Gecs、SOPHIE、Rosalia 的 Motomami 等艺术家。100% 免版税内容。
Presenting “Hyperpop Flowers” a pack completely inspired by the Hyperpop genre, with unique and very powerful sounds that give each construction kit an out of this planet vibe and energy. It contains vocals that you can also use in your musical productions, as well as all the content of this pack. All the sounds that you find here can be used for the creation of music for video games such as Rocket League, or for musical productions such as Jersey Club, Drain Gang, Dark Pop, Experimental Pop or any other genre you want. Inspired by Bladee, Arca, Charli XCX, Skrillex, 100 Gecs, SOPHIE, Motomami by Rosalia and more. 100% royalty free content.
· 111 Files