eqSounds | Splice | 927 MB
2023年秋季,Rubicon 公司前往日本名古屋市,制作了两个素材包,以凸显该地区当代电子音乐场景的有机声音。
“Japan Editions” 系列的第二个版本“Nagoya & Osaka Ambient”汇集了该地区环境音乐界的中坚力量 Am Shhara 和 Chie Otomi 的模块化、颗粒化和非传统的音效设计实践成果。他们的作品曾发布于大阪厂牌 Muzan Editions。
Am Shhara 认为电子乐器具有智能吗?Am Shhara 认为它们就像活生生的事物一样。 此外,该系列还收录了来自 Abentis 的额外作品,并附带由 Takahiro Fukaya 拍摄的迷你纪录片。
In the Fall of 2023, Rubicon travelled to Nagoya, Japan to produce two packs highlighting the organic sounds of the region’s contemporary electronic music scene. The second release in the Japan Editions series, Nagoya & Osaka Ambient compiles the modular, granular and unconventional sound design practices of Am Shhara and Chie Otomi, fixtures of the region’s ambient music community with releases on the Osaka label Muzan Editions.Do electronic instruments have intelligence? Am Shhara believes they are like living things. Additional contributions from Abentis round out the collection, accompanied by a mini-documentary shot by Takahiro Fukaya.
Artwork by Valeria Montero.
· 189 Sample