eqSounds | Splice | 715 MB
在纽约市的Splice录音室录制的《Jazz Guitar Hangs》是由布鲁克林吉他大师Rotem Sivan作曲并演奏的一系列吉他和MIDI旋律以及和弦进程的集合。我们通过Rotem的个人踏板板和我们的模拟信号链跟踪了原始的D’Angelico乐器。我们同时使用Fishman TriplePlay MIDI拾音器将表演捕捉为MIDI。然后,我们使用Serum为每个样本设计了预设补丁。结果是Rotem的美味的的旋律、可口的贝斯线和引人注目的和弦的集合,以音频、MIDI和Serum预设格式提供。
特别感谢Rotem Sivan、D’Angelico和Fishman与Splice合作创建这个样本包。
Recorded at the Splice studio in New York City, Jazz Guitar Hangs is a collection of guitar and MIDI melodies and chord progressions composed and performed by Brooklyn-based guitar virtuoso Rotem Sivan. We tracked pristine D’Angelico instruments through Rotem’s personal pedalboard and our analog signal chain. We simultaneously captured the performances as MIDI using Fishman TriplePlay MIDI pickups. Then, we used Serum to design preset patches around each sample. The result is a collection of Rotem’s delicious melodies, tasty basslines, and ear-catching chords, served up in audio, MIDI, and Serum preset formats.
Special thanks to Rotem Sivan, D’Angelico, and Fishman for partnering with Splice to create this sample pack.
· 137 Samples
· 47 Presets
· 47 Extras