eqSounds | Splice | 177 MB
迷幻、梦幻、模拟音效来自格莱美提名制片人 Zale 和 Juno 提名制片人 Jackson Willows。This 70’s Psychedelic Pack 是一个充满想象力的昂贵声音循环和 one-shots 的集合,专门在模拟复古设备上录制。音效灵感来自花的力量、喇叭裤和蘑菇的鼎盛时期。
涵盖了迷幻摇滚和灵魂的色彩。该套装包括清脆的复古鼓、迷幻的吉他、原汁原味的 Wurlitzers 和必备的乙烯基 one-shots。That 70’s Psychedelic Pack 配备了各种 WAV、鼓击和旋律循环以及 one-shots,为游戏中最好的迷幻声音提供了一个前所未有的集合。
Psychedelic, dreamy, analog sounds from Grammy Nominated Producer Zale and Juno Nominated Producer Jackson Willows. That 70’s Psychedelic Pack is an imaginative collection of expensive-sounding loops and one-shots recorded exclusively on analog vintage gear. The sonics are inspired by the prime of flower power, bellbottoms, and shrooms.
Spanning from colors of psychedelic rock and soul. This kit includes crunchy vintage drums, trippy guitars, authentic Wurlitzers, and must-have vinyl one-shots. That 70’s Psychedelic Pack comes loaded with a variety of WAV, drum hits melodic loops, and one-shots for an unprecedented collection of the best psychedelic sounds in the game.
· 167 Samples